Emergency procedures for EV fires not up to scratch


Active member
This was just released on YouTube. The presenter is Australian and cusses a lot and a lot of the context I had to Google, but he's right on the money (bonus, he's pretty funny as well, in a dry sort of way). Bonus content STCo, he references a sub accident whose root cause was a early predecessor of what's now known as Thermal runaway in EV's.



Well-known member
This was just released on YouTube. The presenter is Australian and cusses a lot and a lot of the context I had to Google, but he's right on the money (bonus, he's pretty funny as well, in a dry sort of way). Bonus content STCo, he references a sub accident whose root cause was a early predecessor of what's now known as Thermal runaway in EV's.

Fantastic, spot right on


Well-known member
This was just released on YouTube. The presenter is Australian and cusses a lot and a lot of the context I had to Google, but he's right on the money (bonus, he's pretty funny as well, in a dry sort of way). Bonus content STCo, he references a sub accident whose root cause was a early predecessor of what's now known as Thermal runaway in EV's.



Well-known member
This was just released on YouTube. The presenter is Australian and cusses a lot and a lot of the context I had to Google, but he's right on the money (bonus, he's pretty funny as well, in a dry sort of way). Bonus content STCo, he references a sub accident whose root cause was a early predecessor of what's now known as Thermal runaway in EV's.

You will notice that as always certain people never learned……..if Johnny jumps off the bridge are you going to do it too?


Well-known member
What’s really sad about you is the following, everything for you is tit for tat. If you watched the video, he is not against EV’s He is pointing out how dangerous they are, and can be. But you were so filled with hate against anything and anyone that should question your allegiance to the mob and your head explodes it’s very very sad.